The Public Works Department is the largest department within the City of Astoria. The Public Works Department is comprised of Administration, Operations and Engineering. Major areas of responsibility include: Water Treatment and Distribution, Waste Water Collection and Treatment, Street Maintenance, Engineering Services, Sanitation, Fleet Maintenance for City Vehicles, Forestry Management, City Facility Maintenance, Railroad Maintenance, and Mapping with Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The Public Works Department also provides staff support to the Traffic Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC).
The Public Works Department is actively involved in a wide range of current and future capital improvement projects ranging from water, sewer, streets, storm water projects, to overseeing construction management and participating in the land development review process.
Public Works Operations divisions includes streets, sanitation, sewer, storm water, water, and shop and yard. Operations includes our 3,700 acre watershed, slow sand filter treatment facility, 12-mile transmission water line, two covered reservoirs, over 4,000 water meters, over 400 fire hydrants, over 80 miles of waterline, catch basins, inlets, stormwater conveyance infrastructure, the collection and treatment of sanitary sewer, 68 miles of sewer pipe, 1,600 manholes, two major pump stations, three lift stations, the wastewater treatment facility, street sweeping, street maintenance, signage, plowing, de-icing, inventory, fleet maintenance for nearly 400 pieces of City-owned equipment and vehicles.
- After-Hour Emergencies: (503) 325-4411
- Contact: Wastewater Treatment Plant Supervisor & Wastewater Treatment Operator
- Physical Location:
5555 Lagoon Rd. (Directions) - Phone: (503) 325-2267
- E-mail: pwoperations@astoria.gov
The Engineering Division is responsible for a wide range of current and future capital improvements projects taking place within the City. We perform or manage all engineering and technical services for the City, including design work and contract administration for the city water system, sanitary sewer system, docks, streets, sidewalks, storm drainage and other public works projects. We participate in development review in collaboration with the Community Development Department, and also maintain Public Works records such as the City utility maps, as-built drawings and our Geographical Information System (GIS).
- Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Physical Location:
City Hall, 1095 Duane St., 1st Floor (Directions) - Mailing Address:
Engineering, 1095 Duane St., Astoria, OR 97103 - Phone: (503) 338-5173
- Fax: (503) 338-6538
- E-mail: engpermits@astoria.gov
Public Works Administration oversees all aspects of the Public Works Operations and Engineering Divisions. This includes management of the operations and maintenance of City streets, the City’s water and sewer systems, and major public works improvement projects. In addition, Administration is responsible for Public Works Department interaction with City Council, City property use transactions, grant and loan funding for major projects, City facilities maintenance, rail infrastructure, and overall management of the Public Works Department’s budget.
- Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
- Physical Location:
City Hall, 1095 Duane St., 3rd Floor (Directions) - Mailing Address:
Public Works, 1095 Duane St., Astoria, OR 97103 - Phone: (503) 338-5177
- Fax: (503) 338-6538
- E-mail:
shammond@astoria.gov (Sarah Hammond)